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Tackling Clutter Procrastination: Tips for ADHD Freelancers

Apr 24, 2023

Clutter procrastination is a common issue faced by freelancers with ADHD, leading to decreased productivity and increased stress. In this blog post, we will delve into the complexities of clutter procrastination, exploring its causes and signs that may indicate you are struggling with it.

We will then provide practical strategies for overcoming clutter procrastination by identifying the root cause, setting goals, prioritizing tasks, and creating an effective system for organization and time management. We'll also examine the advantages of clearing out your workspace or living area in terms of improved efficiency, enhanced psychological health and general wellbeing as well as decreased stress levels.

In addition to these insights on combating clutter procrastination itself, our post also offers valuable tips on maintaining an organized space through clear storage systems and digital solutions. Finally, we'll share advice on staying committed to your decluttering goals using reminders/alerts while ensuring you take breaks when needed.

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Table of Contents

What is Clutter Procrastination?

Clutter procrastination is the act of avoiding important tasks or activities by filling your time with unimportant and/or unrelated items. It’s a form of procrastination that can be hard to overcome because it often seems like you are doing something productive, when in reality you are just wasting time.

Clutter procrastinators have a behaviour of shirking off necessary duties and instead squandering time on trivial, unrelated activities. This usually involves tidying up, categorising objects, shopping for non-essentials or browsing the web aimlessly. This type of procrastination usually involves cleaning, organizing, sorting, shopping for unnecessary items or browsing online for hours on end instead of getting work done.

Various motivations may underlie the tendency to delay tidying, such as apprehension of success or failure, being a perfectionist, lacking self-confidence and worrying that you won't be able to do something correctly. Moreover, certain individuals might experience a sense of being overwhelmed by the amount of tasks that need to be completed and resort to clutter as an evasion from their responsibilities.

Clutter procrastination is a form of procrastination that can lead to significant disruption in productivity. To combat this, it's essential to determine the source and establish an orderly approach for handling tasks.

Key Takeaway: Clutter procrastination is a form of avoidance behavior where one fills their time with unimportant and/or unrelated tasks instead of completing the important ones. It's an all too common problem which can be caused by fear, perfectionism, low self-esteem or anxiety; however, Focus Bear provides tools to help users break this cycle and get back on track.

How to Overcome Clutter Procrastination?

By employing the correct methods and aids, it is possible to beat clutter procrastination and construct an orderly workspace that will aid in keeping you efficient and on track with your duties.

Screenshot of the Focus Bear app's video guide demonstrating how to tidy up the desk as part of the evening routine

Identifying the Root Cause:

To effectively address clutter procrastination, it's important to first identify what's causing it. For some people, the root cause may be anxiety or fear about starting a project; for others, it could be difficulty focusing due to distractions in their environment. Reflecting on why you're having difficulty with decluttering can be beneficial in discovering approaches that best suit your personal needs.

Once you have determined the source of your disorganization-induced procrastination, establishing objectives and arranging tasks can help keep you concentrated and motivated while organizing. Start by breaking down large projects into smaller steps so they feel more manageable. Once you've broken down the project into smaller steps, prioritize those steps according to their significance for greater focus and less stress.

Developing an effective system for organization is key when trying to combat clutter procrastination. Create folders or labels in order to easily categorize items according to type or purpose; this way everything has its own place which makes finding things much simpler. Additionally, implementing effective time management techniques such as creating daily schedules or using timers can also help ensure finished tasks within set deadlines, thus reducing stress levels overall.

By recognizing the root cause of clutter procrastination, setting goals and prioritizing tasks, and creating a system for organization and time management, you can effectively overcome this issue. Decluttering and organizing can bring many benefits to your life such as increased productivity, improved mental health & well-being, reduced stress levels; all of which will be discussed in further detail in the next section.

Key Takeaway: To combat clutter procrastination, it's important to identify the root cause and set goals in order to stay focused. Developing an effective system of organization is essential for success, so create folders or labels and use time management techniques such as creating daily schedules or using timers. Put your nose to the grindstone and get organized.

Benefits of Decluttering and Organizing

Arranging and tidying up can be advantageous for those with ADHD, as it helps to create a feeling of authority in an unpredictable atmosphere. Increased productivity is one of the most significant benefits that come from organizing and decluttering your space. Organizing can save time on searching for items and devote it to completing tasks, hence, reducing stress levels. Additionally, being organized reduces stress levels by eliminating the need for last-minute scrambling when deadlines are looming or important documents are misplaced.

Improved mental health is another key benefit of organization and decluttering. Clutter has been linked to feelings of anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, overwhelm and even physical ailments like headaches or fatigue due to constantly trying to keep up with messes created by clutter. An orderly enviroment can be soothing for the mind and body, as it eliminates feelings of being weighed down by our environment or concerns about being unable to find what we need quickly enough.

Finally, reducing stress levels is another advantage that comes with getting rid of unnecessary items in our homes or offices. When there’s too much stuff around it can lead us into a troubled mindset. This can easily lead to frustration over small things because we simply don’t have the energy left after dealing with all the clutter throughout our daily lives. However, once this clutter has been removed from our spaces we can enjoy feeling calmer overall, which leads to improved concentration levels. It allows us better focus at work or school without worrying about finding something among all the mess.

Organizing and decluttering can be advantageous, such as providing greater efficiency, better mental health, and reducing stress. By implementing strategies for reducing clutter in your home or office space like establishing a clear storage system, implementing the “one in one out” rule, and utilizing digital solutions for organization you can take control of your environment to help improve focus on important tasks.

Key Takeaway: Organizing and decluttering can be a game changer for those with ADHD, providing an environment of enhanced productivity, mental well-being and lowered stress. It helps to create order out of chaos; allowing us to "knock it out of the park" at work or school without being bogged down by clutter-induced fatigue.

Strategies for Reducing Clutter in Your Home or Office Space

Decreasing disarray in your living or work area is an essential move towards advancing efficiency and general mental prosperity. There are several strategies that can help you keep things organized, such as:

Establishing a Clear Storage System:

A key part of keeping your environment free of clutter is creating designated spaces for items such as books, papers, and electronics. Investing in containers with labels will make it easier to identify where each item belongs so that everything stays neat and tidy. Additionally, be sure to use the vertical space available by adding shelves or hooks if necessary.

Implementing a “One In, One Out” Rule:

This strategy involves replacing an old item with another item whenever you purchase something new. If you acquire a new item, donate an existing one to make sure your living/working area doesn't become overcrowded with stuff. This helps ensure that there isn’t too much stuff accumulating over time which can lead to unnecessary clutter and disorganization.

Utilizing digital solutions for organization can be a great way to reduce clutter in your home or office space. Leverage calendars and task management apps to store information electronically, cutting down on physical paperwork which would otherwise take up valuable space. Set reminders so that tasks don't fall through the cracks, reducing stress associated with trying to stay organized without any sort of support system.

Overall, decluttering is essential for maintaining productivity levels while also improving mental health due to its ability to reduce stress levels caused by disorganization and chaos within our living environments - both at work and at home.

By implementing the strategies outlined above, you can create an organized and clutter-free home or office space. To stay on top of your decluttering goals, it's important to set reminders and alerts for yourself as well as take regular breaks when needed.

Key Takeaway: Getting rid of disarray in your work area is a key element for amplifying efficiency and boosting psychological well-being. By implementing a “one-in, one-out” rule and utilizing digital solutions such as task management apps and calendars, you can effectively cut the clutter while staying organized like a pro.

Tips for Staying on Top of Your Decluttering Goals

Maintaining progress towards decluttering objectives can be a test, particularly for those with ADHD. Scheduling regular cleaning sessions is one way to stay organized and motivated. Set aside time each week or month to focus solely on organizing and decluttering your space. Regular cleaning sessions will help prevent clutter from accumulating, allowing you to remain focused and organized.

Utilizing notifications and alerts can help you stay on top of tasks, ensuring they are completed promptly. Utilizing digital solutions such as alarms, calendars, or task lists can help keep track of important deadlines and motivate you to stay on track with your goals.

Finally, taking breaks when needed is essential for managing stress levels while working towards achieving organizational success. Taking short breaks throughout the day helps your mind to take a break from all the mental energy required to complete tasks efficiently and effectively. These breaks also provide an opportunity to reflect on what has been accomplished so far as well as plan ahead for upcoming tasks that need attention. By following these tips regularly, freelancers with ADHD can make great strides towards staying organized without feeling overwhelmed by their workloads or cluttered spaces.

FAQs in Relation to Clutter Procrastination

Is clutter a form of procrastination?

Yes, clutter can be a form of procrastination. A disarrayed and muddled atmosphere can be created by mess, impeding one's capability to concentrate on duties or carry them out in a prompt fashion. Clutter also makes it hard to find items quickly when needed, leading to further delays in completing tasks. In addition, having too much stuff around creates feelings of being overwhelmed which often leads people with ADHD to put off starting projects altogether.

What is the psychology behind clutter?

Clutter can be a symptom of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It can be indicative of a struggle to organize, put off duties, lack orderliness and experience restlessness. Clutter can also lead to an increase in stress levels as it creates feelings of being overwhelmed or out of control. Cluttering the environment has been linked to increased anxiety due to its association with chaos and disorder which leads to decreased focus on important tasks.

What is the root cause of clutter?

The source of the jumble and mess is an absence of planning and effective time management. People with ADHD may have difficulty organizing tasks, resulting in an accumulation of unfinished work and eventual disorganization. This leads to unfinished work piling up, creating disorganization and chaos. Clutter also arises from procrastination due to difficulty focusing on the task at hand. To avoid this issue, it’s important for people with ADHD to develop better organizational habits such as setting deadlines and breaking down large tasks into smaller ones that can be completed more easily.

Why clearing the clutter can feel impossible?

For individuals with ADHD, achieving tidiness can seem insurmountable due to an absence of attention and organization. Distractions are everywhere, making it difficult to stay on task and prioritize important tasks. This leads to procrastination which further complicates things as deadlines approach. People with ADHD may find it hard to arrange their lives and break down complex duties into smaller sections, resulting in an inability to plan ahead.


Breaking the habit of clutter procrastination is achievable with appropriate strategies and resources. Devoting some of your time to tidying up and organizing the places you inhabit can be beneficial in numerous ways, including relieving stress and enhancing efficiency both at home and work. Remember that taking small steps every day towards reducing clutter is key for staying on top of goals and avoiding procrastination in this area.

Apr 24, 2023
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