Focus Bear for Desktop

We're working on the Android App. In the meantime you can signup for the waitlist and we'll email you as soon as it's ready for download.
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Also available for other platforms:

The iOS app is still in beta (but it works pretty well). It's a two-step process to download the app:


First, download Apple Test Flight
and then come back here
to get the redeem code


Download and install
the Focus Bear App

Let's do it

Click here to download
Apple Test Flight

Remember to come back here afterwards for the redeem code

Done installing Test Flight

Sweet! Now you can download Focus Bear with this link

Photo of laptop and mobile phone running Focus Bear

Invest in Focus Bear

Together we can help neurodivergent people thrive in the workplace!

Click here to download our investment memorandum

We're opening a fundraising round to bring Focus Bear to B2B. We've had some promising initial conversations with businesses and will be refining the product with features like a Slack and Microsoft Teams integration, hiring a B2B sales specialist and investing in marketing. The round will allow us to grow to 10,000 paying customers.

Register here to receive more information about investing in Focus Bear and help advocate for neurodiversity.
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