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What are the best Jobs for People with Autism?

Sep 1, 2023

Although unemployment rate stats for people with ASD are depressing (8 times higher than for neurotypicals), there is increasing awareness that people with ASD often possess aptitudes which can make them ideal for certain vocations.

Identifying job paths suitable for autistic individuals can be a difficult task, yet it is vital to locate vocations that capitalize on their gifts while also furnishing them with a helpful working environment.

When considering career paths for individuals on the autism spectrum, it's essential to move beyond the stereotypes and recognize that the tech industry isn't the only suitable option. While it's true that some autistic individuals excel in technology-related fields, there are numerous other professions that can harness their unique strengths and abilities.

Fields such as science, mathematics, engineering, and computer programming can indeed offer rewarding opportunities for individuals with autism. The structured nature of these disciplines, attention to detail, and logical problem-solving can align well with their cognitive strengths. However, it's important to note that not all autistic individuals have an innate affinity for or interest in these areas.

Autistic individuals possess a diverse range of talents and interests that can be utilized across various sectors. For instance, many excel in artistic endeavors, leveraging their creativity and attention to detail in fields like visual arts, graphic design, music, or writing. The ability to think outside the box and perceive the world uniquely can lead to innovative ideas and contributions in fields such as research, academia, and entrepreneurship.

Furthermore, careers that involve structured routines, clear expectations, and reduced social interactions can provide a comfortable and supportive work environment for individuals on the autism spectrum. These may include roles in library science, logistics, or even specialized trades like woodworking or gardening.

The key is to consider individual strengths, interests, and preferences when exploring career options for autistic individuals. By recognizing their diverse talents and nurturing a supportive workplace environment, we can unlock their full potential and create fulfilling careers across a wide range of professions. Embracing this inclusive approach not only benefits autistic individuals but also brings valuable contributions to the workforce as a whole.

To support our readers in finding the best jobs for autistic people, we will provide insights on understanding ASD characteristics better and identifying accommodating workplace practices by potential employers.

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Table of Contents

Careers in tech: There's a reason behind the stereotype

It's a cliché that many software developers are on the spectrum. There's a reason for that. There are several factors that contribute to the alignment between autism and tech roles. One such factor is the emphasis on logical problem-solving and attention to detail, which are commonly associated with individuals on the spectrum. In fields like software development, coding, or cybersecurity, the ability to analyze complex systems, detect patterns, and pay meticulous attention to coding syntax can be natural strengths for autistic individuals. The structured nature of these roles, with clear guidelines and predictable outcomes, provides a sense of stability and comfort that can enhance job performance and overall well-being.

Within the tech industry, specific roles tend to be particularly well-suited for individuals on the autism spectrum. Software testing and quality assurance positions often require a strong attention to detail and a methodical approach to identifying and resolving bugs or issues in software applications. These roles play to the strengths of individuals with autism, who excel at spotting errors or inconsistencies that might be missed by others. Additionally, roles in data analysis and data management can be a great fit, as they allow individuals to leverage their affinity for patterns and their ability to focus on meticulous data processing tasks. Furthermore, roles in IT support and system administration can provide opportunities for individuals on the spectrum to apply their problem-solving skills and logical thinking in troubleshooting technical issues and maintaining computer systems.

However, it's crucial to recognize that the suitability of tech careers for autistic individuals is not universal. Each individual is unique, and it's important to consider their individual strengths, interests, and preferences when exploring career options. While tech may be a good fit for many, it's essential to provide a range of choices and support individuals in exploring diverse fields based on their individual talents and passions.

STEM careers

Expanding beyond the realm of tech, STEM careers provide a wide array of options where individuals on the autism spectrum can leverage their distinct skills and make significant contributions. Within the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, there are numerous roles that align with the strengths commonly associated with autism.

Engineering disciplines encompass a wide range of specialties, including civil, mechanical, electrical, and software engineering. Autistic individuals can excel in these fields due to their ability to think systematically, pay attention to intricate details, and solve complex problems. Whether it's designing structures, developing innovative technologies, or crafting efficient software systems, engineering offers opportunities for individuals on the spectrum to apply their logical thinking and meticulous approach to create tangible solutions.

In scientific fields, autistic individuals can leverage their passion for observation, pattern recognition, and data analysis. Roles in research, data analysis, or laboratory work can tap into their natural inclination for methodical exploration and precision. With their unique perspectives and ability to think critically, they can contribute valuable insights and advancements in areas such as biology, chemistry, physics, or environmental science.

Mathematics, a field known for its logical reasoning and abstract thinking, also holds promise for autistic individuals. From data analysis and statistics to cryptography and theoretical mathematics, there are diverse opportunities to harness their analytical prowess. Autistic individuals can excel in roles that require attention to detail, problem-solving, and the ability to work with complex mathematical concepts.

While STEM careers offer a strong alignment with the strengths of individuals on the autism spectrum, it's important to address the availability of these roles. It's crucial to recognize that the number of STEM positions may be limited in certain geographic areas, and competition can be fierce. However, initiatives promoting diversity and inclusion, along with increasing awareness about neurodiversity, are gradually opening doors for autistic individuals in STEM fields. As more organizations embrace inclusive hiring practices and cultivate supportive work environments, the opportunities for autistic individuals to thrive in STEM careers are expanding, fostering a more diverse and innovative workforce.

Busting Stereotypes: Autistic People Can Thrive as Counselors and Consultants

While it is commonly assumed that client-facing roles are challenging for individuals on the autism spectrum, it is important to challenge this stereotype. Autistic individuals possess a wide range of skills and talents that can make them exceptional counselors and consultants.

One of the strengths often associated with autism is the ability to focus deeply on specific topics or areas of interest. This intense focus, combined with a meticulous attention to detail, can be advantageous in counseling and consulting roles. Autistic individuals may possess a unique ability to delve deeply into clients' concerns, analyze complex situations, and provide well-researched and thoughtful guidance.

Moreover, autistic individuals often have exceptional listening skills and a keen sense of empathy. Their ability to empathize deeply with others can foster strong connections and trust with clients. Additionally, their direct communication style and ability to provide honest and straightforward feedback can be highly valued by clients seeking clear and transparent advice.

To support autistic individuals in client-facing roles, it is crucial to create inclusive environments that provide reasonable accommodations. Flexible scheduling, clear communication protocols, and sensory considerations can help individuals on the spectrum navigate the demands of these roles effectively.

By challenging the stereotype that client-facing roles are impossible for autistic individuals, we open up new possibilities for them to excel in counseling and consulting fields. Their unique perspectives, analytical skills, and empathetic nature can bring fresh insights and innovative solutions to clients, fostering a more diverse and inclusive approach to these professions. It is time to recognize and embrace the valuable contributions that autistic individuals can make in client-facing roles, empowering them to thrive in fulfilling careers as counselors and consultants.

Hands-on roles

Hands-on roles can be an excellent fit for individuals with autism, offering opportunities for meaningful employment and personal fulfillment. In carpentry, gardening, electrical work, and trades, individuals on the autism spectrum can leverage their strengths in attention to detail, precision, and problem-solving. These practical and tangible careers provide structure, stability, and a chance to showcase their skills while making valuable contributions to their respective industries.


Carpentry harnesses the meticulous attention to detail and precision often found in individuals with autism. Whether it's building furniture, crafting wooden designs, or constructing structures, carpentry offers a stimulating and rewarding career path that aligns well with their unique abilities.


Gardening combines the therapeutic benefits of nature with hands-on tasks, providing individuals with autism a sense of order and purpose. Roles such as landscapers, gardeners, or horticulturalists allow them to showcase their knowledge of plants, engage in structured routines, and create beautiful outdoor environments.

Electrical Work:

The precise nature of electrical systems, troubleshooting circuits, and installing wiring aligns well with the attention to detail and problem-solving skills commonly seen in individuals on the autism spectrum. Pursuing a career as an electrician or electrical technician offers stability and the opportunity to excel in a field that requires technical expertise and methodical work.


Trades like plumbing, welding, automotive repair, and HVAC, offers practical and hands-on roles that suit individuals with autism. With their strengths in problem-solving and mechanical aptitude, individuals on the autism spectrum can thrive in these trades, benefiting from structured routines, clear goals, and the opportunity to specialize.

In these hands-on roles, individuals with autism can find fulfillment, independence, and a sense of purpose, while also making valuable contributions to their chosen fields.

Working with Animals: A Perfect Match for Autistic Individuals

Let's talk about animals.

Did you know that many autistic adults have a unique understanding of animal behavior? This makes them perfect candidates for careers involving our furry, feathered, or scaly friends.

Here are some fantastic job options in this field:

Veterinary Technician Positions Assisting Veterinarians

A veterinary technician is a key player in providing quality medical care to animals. Their duties include conducting diagnostic tests, administering medications, and assisting during surgeries. It's an excellent career choice for those who love helping animals feel better.

Animal Caretaker Roles at Shelters or Zoos

Animal caretakers provide daily care to various species in shelters, zoos, or sanctuaries. Their responsibilities range from feeding and grooming to monitoring health conditions and maintaining clean living spaces. If you're passionate about ensuring the well-being of all creatures great and small, this is your calling.

Dog Walker: Combining Fitness & Furry Friends

Becoming a professional dog walker allows you to combine physical activity with spending time around dogs - what could be better? You'll be responsible for taking clients' pets on regular walks while providing companionship along the way. Check out Rover or Wag. to find dog walking opportunities near you.

Diverse Job Options Based on Interests & Skillsets

There are countless job opportunities for individuals on the autism spectrum that cater to their unique interests and skillsets.

The key is identifying personal preferences and finding a career that complements your abilities while minimizing potential challenges.

Let me break it down for you:

  • Caterer: Love food? A catering position allows you to serve meals at events while working behind the scenes. You can find catering positions here.
  • Librarian: Organizing resources and helping patrons find information can be incredibly fulfilling - especially if you love books. You can check out librarian roles here.
  • Medical Lab Technician: Conducting tests and analyses in a lab environment might be the perfect fit for those with good problem-solving skills. You can search for medical lab technician jobs here.
  • Paralegal: Supporting legal professionals by conducting research and drafting documents can be an ideal job for detail-oriented individuals. You can find paralegal positions here.
  • Technical Writer: Creating detailed documentation requires excellent writing and organizational skills - perfect for many individuals on the autism spectrum. Discover technical writer roles here.

No matter your interests, there's likely a fulfilling career out there waiting to be discovered.

The most important thing is to explore different options, keeping in mind your strengths and potential workplace accommodations needed.

Key Takeaway: The article provides a list of diverse job options for individuals on the autism spectrum based on their interests and skillsets. It emphasizes the importance of identifying personal preferences and finding a career that complements one's abilities while minimizing potential challenges. The key takeaway is to explore different options, keeping in mind strengths and potential workplace accommodations needed.

FAQs in Relation to Best Jobs for People With Autism

What are the most common jobs for autistic people?

Some common jobs for autistic individuals include software testing, network engineering, accounting, investigative journalism, veterinary technician positions, animal caretaking roles at shelters or zoos, retail cashiering, and catering. These careers often cater to strengths such as attention to detail and analytical skills.

What kind of jobs can someone with autism do?

A person with autism can excel in a variety of fields depending on their interests and skillsets. Some potential job options include computer science-related roles like software development or data analysis; working with animals as a veterinarian assistant or zookeeper; creative writing positions like technical writing or journalism; and service-oriented professions such as librarianship or paralegal work.

What is the best major for people with autism?

The best major for an individual with autism depends on their personal interests and strengths. Common choices include computer science, mathematics, engineering, biology (particularly if interested in working with animals), journalism/communications (for those who enjoy research and writing), psychology (to better understand themselves/others) or even law.

What are the pros of autism in the workplace?

Autism offers unique advantages in the workplace including strong attention to detail, high accuracy rates when performing repetitive tasks, excellent problem-solving abilities due to unconventional thinking patterns and persistence during challenging situations. Additionally, some autistic employees may possess exceptional memory recall and specialized knowledge within certain areas which can be invaluable assets.


Overall, there are a variety of career paths that can be well-suited for individuals with autism spectrum disorder. From computer programming to animal care, the key is to identify interests and strengths before beginning the job search process. It's important to remember that everyone has unique abilities and should not solely focus on deficits when searching for employment.

Sep 1, 2023
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