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The importance of a well-structured routine (Pt.1)

Sep 20, 2022
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Table of Contents

There is ample evidence to support the benefits of a well-structured daily schedule for individuals with ADHD. However, in this brief post, we will focus on a few significant elements that can set apart a tedious and demanding routine from one that is more effective and manageable. We understand that this is of great importance for individuals with deficit disorders, who try their best to organize themselves in an increasingly demanding environment.

Morning routines

First things first, separating the routine into morning & evening has been shown to be optimal because, in addition to taking into account other factors, it also considers the neurochemical nature of our circadian cycle.

During the first 0–8 hours after waking up, a person with a typical work–life balance usually displays elevated levels of certain neuromodulators (Cortisol, Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, and Dopamine). These chemicals can be considered ‘’ natural focus enhancers ‘’, so why not use them to our advantage, right?

When there is a lot of limbic friction (resistance towards starting a cognitively/physically demanding activity) going on, people who have trouble focusing may use this time after waking up to get their daily tasks done more easily. In light of this, it would be best to complete the most “demanding” tasks or habits during the morning routine.

A work assignment, a physical workout, a study session, or anything else that generally necessitates the most energy from you can all be considered among these habits.

Of course, it is recommended to combine those energy-sapping activities with several other morning rituals that can boost your productivity or help you unwind. The Focus Bear app comes with a variety of neuroscientific protocols that can both help you unwind and sharpen your focus when you need it most.

Evening Routines

Of course, evening routines could make sense in the same way, and one could argue that they are just as important for a person’s mental and cognitive well-being as morning routines.

During this period of the day, it is best to pick habits that don’t consume a lot of energy or are overstimulating. As bedtime approaches, now would be the perfect time to engage in some hobbies or in a more serious session of meditation.

You might want to be cautious about engaging in vigorous exercise in the evening because, per the literature, it may have an over-stimulating effect on the body and mind that might interfere with sleep. However, if you feel that exercising at night is something you can handle, you might want to choose a less strenuous activity. If you still feel that you can’t resist a demanding workout session during this time, we will definitely not stop you! Fortunately, you still have a high chance of achieving a sense of calmness, by implementing some of Focus Bear’s recommendations for winding down before bed.

Those of you reading this, who are not already implementing it, might want to be aware of a fundamental habit that many individuals with ADHD find beneficial, which is best known as the “Before-Bed Preparation for Tomorrow.” This is a habit you want to develop near bedtime as it will allow you to calmly arrange everything for the next day and plan ahead of time (i.e., daily vitamins, tomorrow’s medication, a glass of water next to bed, next day’s outfit, any reminder sticky notes, and so on).

Of course, approximately one hour before regular bedtime, it would be wise to choose a non-stimulating habit, such as practicing meditation, reading a book, or giving yourself a body massage, and try your best to avoid bright lights as much as possible.

This blog post was first published in Medium

(Click here for Part 2)

Sep 20, 2022
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