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How to stop procrastinating (4 Steps, 17 Strategies)

Feb 1, 2023

Procrastination deprives you of valuable time and energy for work. Learn how to stop procrastinating and become the most productive version of yourself 

Gather almost 3000 people and do a procrastination survey. You’ll find that around 90% of people procrastinate for at least one hour daily. For 20% of the human population, the problem takes on a more severe form called chronic procrastination. 

We know you’ll not do a survey, though. But you get the gist. Nearly everyone procrastinates.

The cycle of procrastination is all too familiar. Rather than start a task immediately, it feels more satisfying to say things like  ‘I’ll get to it once my alarm rings,’ ‘I’ll start as soon as this episode ends,’ or some other fancy excuse our brains are cunning enough to invent.   

But when that alarm rings, we snooze and snooze again. Finally, we give in, reset the alarm and begin the cycle again. 

On the rare occasion that we don’t reset the alarm and, in fact, do the task, there’s a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment that we feel. Given how good that feeling is, it is absolutely shocking that we don’t get things done on time more often. 

Alas, the pull of procrastination is too powerful for any mortal to surmount, right?

Wrong! There are actionable and straightforward ways to defeat procrastination — and you’re about to discover all those ways.

After several days of intense inspired research, we’ve found these 4 STEPS and 17 STRATEGIES to help you learn how to stop procrastinating. 

We only ask for one thing:

Read till the end. Do not procrastinate reading this piece. Read it now, and you’ll always be grateful you did.

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Table of Contents

Step 1: Acknowledge That You Are Procrastinating

It’s pretty normal to come up with a million and one reasons for putting off a task. We’ve all done it at some point. 

It’s not even a 21st-century thing.  As far back as 700 BC, when people still bore names like “Perses,” people were putting off meaningful work for less consequential things.

So here’s the stitch:

You will not progress in curbing procrastination until you first acknowledge that you are procrastinating. 

If postponing tasks has become something that limits your productivity, as it often does, then it’s time for a change. The first step to making that change is acknowledging that you procrastinate. 

This means admitting that you could have walked your dog at dawn but chose to do it at dusk. Not because you wanted to enjoy the cool evening breeze but because you spent all day in bed binge-watching superhero movies.

But first, what is considered procrastination?

Procrastination, as a wise woman said, is a master thief, snatching away precious time from our clutches. 

Let's call a spade a spade. Procrastination is delaying or putting off tasks until the last minute.


For example (even if you don’t need one):

You got a paper due in a week, but instead of hunkering down and getting to work, you're wasting time absorbing content on social media, ignoring that nagging voice in your head. 

But then, as the deadline looms, you realize it's now or never, and you're pulling an all-nighter to get it done.

Sound familiar? 

We've all been there, but if you find yourself in this situation more often, it's time to take a closer look at your habits because procrastination is a slippery slope. It will negatively affect your life, relationships, and career if left unchecked. Ask Tim Urban.

Before you know it, you'll be labeled a chronic procrastinator. 

How to identify if you’re a procrastinator

Several signs could indicate that you are procrastinating. If you identify with any of these signs, chances are you are a procrastinator:

  • Finding it hard to start a task
  • Delaying a task because you need everything to be perfect
  • Getting distracted easily when it comes to working
  • Always lacking in motivation
  • Postponing stuff often because it makes you feel less stressed or bored
  • Rushing to get critical work done at the last minute

Acute vs. Chronic procrastination 

Acute procrastination happens for a short time. Chronic procrastination persists for a more extended period. 

For example:

An acute procrastinator who just moved into a new place could delay sorting and unpacking the moving boxes for a few hours. But a chronic procrastinator would leave those boxes untouched for months. 

Understanding the causes and consequences of these types of procrastination is essential because it informs the strategies employed to overcome them.

Whether acute or chronic, know that you are not a lost cause. You can learn how to stop being a procrastinator. All you need to do is figure out why you’re procrastinating and tackle it head-on.

Step 2: Figure out why you’re procrastinating

It is 100% important to understand why you procrastinate. There can be no real solution until you unearth what makes you procrastinate. 

"The more you understand the specific reasons why you procrastinate on a particular task, the more effectively you can find ways to overcome it." — James Clear, author of Atomic Habits.

For example, suppose you discover that you’re procrastinating because you have so much on your desk and have no idea where to begin. In that case, you can devise a strategy that sorts out your work in order of priority so you won’t feel overwhelmed trying to do everything at once.

After figuring out why you procrastinate, you can determine the best ways to help yourself overcome it.

Common reasons why people procrastinate

There are several reasons why you procrastinate, but the most plausible explanation, according to James Clear, is this:

You’re letting your Present Self walk all over your Future Self. We’ll explain.

Every time a task needs doing arrives, you have an internal battle. This battle is between your Present Self and your Future Self.

Ummm…., why do they fight? 

Good question.

Your Present Self loves immediate rewards. It only wants to do what feels good at the moment.

Your Future Self, on the other hand, values long-term rewards. This part of you is concerned about next week, next month, next year, and all the time after that. 

Because these parts of you want different things, they’re always at war. 

Your Future Self wants to be applauded at the Graduation Ceremony for acing the final exams. 

Your Present Self wants to chill and watch one more episode of that new series streaming on Netflix.

If you decide to relax, your Present Self wins. So does procrastination.

On the flip side, your Future Self wins if you dedicate time to studying and writing that final-year thesis. Procrastination loses.

Another reason (very similar but more scientific):

Science describes procrastination as a battle between two parts of the brain: the limbic system and the prefrontal cortex. 

The limbic system controls pleasure, while the prefrontal cortex is responsible for decision-making and planning, and when both players clash, procrastination is the result.

However, determining the cause is not a one-size-fits-all diagnosis. Everyone procrastinates for different reasons. 

The usual culprit is often laziness, but it could also be that you are suffering from depression or tiredness, or perhaps your productivity levels only skyrocket when a deadline looms, and you’re almost entirely out of time. 

Or maybe you’re just unable to deal with negative feelings associated with a task. You don’t feel like you’re the right person for the job, so you’re experiencing imposter syndrome. 

Other common reasons are that you have difficulty prioritizing your work, have a short attention span, or are stuck in an unhealthy work environment. 

Types of Procrastination

If you’re looking for how to stop procrastinating and get things done, it is vital to discover which category you belong to because figuring out your type helps you identify what your fundamental weaknesses are. Only then will you be enabled to tackle them effectively.

Research by Indiana State University has identified four common types of procrastinators: the perfectionist, the dreamer, the worrier, the defier, the crisis-maker, and the overdoer.


The perfectionist’s mantra is, ‘I can’t begin until I have everything I need.’ 

This sentence is mostly code for ‘I’m scared of failing, and so I’m putting off starting the task until I’m certain it can go perfectly.’ 

If you’re this kind of a procrastinator, you will find that you invest too much time and effort into trying to do things perfectly, and when you can’t, you tend to delay and use the mantra as an excuse.

Sample scenario:

You want to clean your home, but you spend hours looking for the right combination of cleaning products even when you have the most basic ones. All the time is spent trying to gather the perfect tools while your home stays uncleaned.

Characteristics of a perfectionist:

  • An overwhelming desire to do everything perfectly or do nothing
  • Harbors a deep fear of failure, causing them to prolong or delay a piece of work
  • Tends to overthink


As a dreamer, you will always think up fantastic, groundbreaking ideas. Still, you never get around to implementing any of them because you are very unwilling to do the work. 

Sample scenario: 

You imagine the perfect summer vacation, but you put off phoning your travel agent until it's winter again, and you have to wait till next year. 

Characteristics of a dreamer:

  • Takes a passive, rather than an active stance in performing any activity
  • Too impatient to follow through with the processes and details required to handle a challenging activity
  • Tends to believe things would just work out for them without any significant effort from their end
  • Gets distracted easily


A procrastinator who is a worrier will be unable to stick to the decisions they make about getting something done and will rely heavily on others to assist them in figuring things out. 

And when such assistance is unavailable, they experience anxiety and self-doubt, which causes them to delay a pending task. 

Sample scenario:

You’re writing a book, but you fear that you’re not doing it right, that it won’t be a bestseller, and that it might be a waste of time. You worry so much that without actually starting the task, you’re already anticipating a bad outcome and trying to protect your future self by postponing writing the book. 

Characteristics of a worrier:

  • Avoiding or abandoning a task because they feel that they can’t do it
  • Indecisive and unable to follow through with self-made decisions
  • Overly dependent on others for cues on how to execute a piece of work
  • Unwilling to welcome changes to things they are already familiar with 


A defier procrastinates as a ploy to protest authority. If you’re a procrastinator under this category, you will find that you rarely allow yourself to be constrained by time limits. 

Sample scenario:

‘Why turn in the presentation today when I can take my time to do it and submit it when the semester is up?’ 

And sometimes, when you feel negative emotions towards a person or thing, you tend to display it by delaying essential tasks. 

Characteristics of a defier:

  • Has a pessimistic view toward life and conveys negative emotions by procrastinating
  • Constantly feels like everything they do was dictated to them by someone else and not their intention
  • Tends not to feel the motivation to be productive
  • Delaying tasks as a form of control


When you’re a crisis-maker, you tend to ignore the work until the last second and then make a big deal out of having too much work and too little time. You also procrastinate when a piece of work doesn’t seem stimulating because you’re a sucker for thrill and drama. 

Characteristics of a crisis-maker:

  • Tends to delay undesirable tasks until the last second
  • Enjoys the thrill of rush-hour work
  • Likely to work well under pressure
  • Gets bored quickly and uses that as a reason to postpone essential tasks


If you’re an overdoer, you’re likely to have difficulty saying ‘no’ to others, making you take on more work than you can handle. Also, due to the mighty workload, you experience low self-esteem and guilt from setting unrealistic goals.

Your procrastination stems from your inability to stay focused and prioritize, combined with a lack of self-discipline.

Sample scenario:

You’re studying for an exam. You put off studying until the night before the exam, believing the pressure will help you focus and perform better.

Characteristics of an overdoer:

  • Experiences difficulty organizing workload 
  • Tends to feel a sense of guilt or shame whenever they relax 
  • Lacks self-discipline in terms of organizing daily tasks and addressing essential pieces of work

These categories are not mutually exclusive. It is worth noting that a person can exhibit the traits of different types of procrastinators. 

Step 3: Use Anti-procrastination Strategies

To be fair, overcoming procrastination is not a walk in the park. 

It requires determination and a firm resolve, and the absence of the latter is one of the reasons you initially fell into the habit of procrastinating. So, yes, it’ll take some work on your path.

We’re confident that you’re serious about changing since you're reading this part.

There are several trusted strategies that you can utilize to get rid of your need to always postpone tasks. However, to truly learn how to stop procrastination, you must pinpoint the best tricks. 

17 Strategies for Overcoming Chronic Procrastination

To counter a bad habit, you need to find a good habit and perform it repeatedly until it wipes off any memory of that bad habit. 

To overcome procrastination, you must employ strategies to identify the things you do or the things around you that trigger procrastination and either replace or remove them.

To assist you on this journey to stop procrastinating and get things done, we’ve compiled a list of 17 strategies for overcoming chronic procrastination below.

1. Use a website blocker to avoid internet distractions 

The internet is a catalyst for time-wasting when there’s an important job to be done. Seriously. No kidding.

Thankfully, website blockers are now available to help you keep the notifications at bay while you stay focused on your job. 

An effective website blocker like Focus Bear allows you to perform deep work by blocking internet distractions from your devices. That way, you can avoid wasting valuable hours on irrelevant websites and zone in on the work that matters.

2. Block your time off

Time blocking is a tool that helps you pick a specific timeframe during which you will work on a task. 

Using this strategy means that you won’t lose track of time. You’ll dedicate time to work, during which you’ll avoid distractions and unimportant tasks.

You’ll need help with time blocking, won’t you?

Focus Bear has a time-blocking feature that helps you share your time in chunks, allowing you to address each piece of work adequately. That way, no task gets forgotten or postponed to the last hour.

3. Track your habits to see how far you’ve come

To overcome procrastination, you will need new habits. Studies have revealed that kickstarting your day with morning exercises, yoga, and meditation can boost your productivity. 

With Focus Bear’s Habit Tracker, you can monitor your habits by tracking them on 

your devices and ensuring you put in enough daily hours. This puts you on top of your tasks and helps with avoiding procrastination.

4. Break down tasks into smaller tasks

Reduce each task to a step-by-step accomplishment plan. 

For instance, if you have to write a 5000-word essay, you can break it down into smaller pieces along the lines of researching the topic, creating an outline, and writing 1000 words. 

You can even limit work time to 30 minutes. 

What’s important is that you divide that giant task on your plate into bite-sized pieces. 

It’s always important to consider how much time you have to complete a task when you break it down. 

With this strategy, you can checkmate yourself and reduce any possibility of postponing writing the whole to a later date. Using the Pomodoro technique efficiently will effortlessly sort out this strategy for you.

5. Make a to-do list

Making a to-do list helps you master how to stop procrastinating so you can get things done. 

If you have multiple goals to accomplish in a day, week, or month, creating a to-do list and attaching reminders is a very hands-on approach to acing each one. 

This strategy works like magic, especially if you have difficulty keeping track of all you have to do or have a penchant for ignoring important tasks for frivolous reasons. Don’t say it won’t work till you’ve tried it. 

6. Set a deadline for each goal

Giving yourself a strict earlier deadline increases your chances of getting the job done before the deadline. 

This strategy prevents rush-hour work and allows you to give your best on a task because you will have enough time.

7. Get it done well (not perfectly)

Try to avoid being obsessed with doing things perfectly. Be more intentional about just getting them done well. 

Nobody’s perfect because nobody can be perfect. Always remember that.

8. Download Apps that limit phone distractions

Some applications like Focus Bear and other in-built apps are developed to help manage your notifications and the screen time on your phone.

After downloading, use the app to allocate a short period when you can operate certain apps on your phone. Once the period ends, you will be completely shut off. 

This strategy encourages you to avoid distractions and commit to essential tasks.

9. Prioritize your daily tasks

Arrange your tasks for each day according to their level of importance, with the most critical work at the top of your list and the least important at the bottom. 

Organizing them in this way helps you stay focused on productive tasks that are relevant and time-sensitive.

10. Take scheduled breaks

Medical research says that taking short breaks improves productivity. It is necessary that you only take calculated breaks. 

Using an app (like Focus Bear) can assist you in taking breaks without running the risk of overdoing it. 

11. Get an accountability partner

Set goals for yourself. Then find someone who can check on your progress to see how well you’re sticking to your productivity plan from time to time. 

While being accountable to yourself helps, it is sometimes more effective to have another person nudging you to stay in line and ensure that you don’t fall back by the wayside again. 

Overcoming procrastination is often a hard day’s job, so it’s okay to seek help if you feel like you need it. 

12. Focus on one piece of work at a time

This strategy is convenient in situations where there is an overwhelming workload. Try focusing on one job at a time. Finish that and move on to the next. It will boost self-confidence and help you overcome procrastination.

13. Organize your workspace

Having a neat, organized workplace can improve your productivity levels. 

For example, if you’re a food blogger and have difficulty concentrating on making content, you can start by sorting out your kitchen, arranging your utensils, and cleaning the surroundings. Such preparatory acts convey to your brain that it is time to get to work and might inspire creativity. 

14. Gift yourself a reward for task completion

Your mind and body cooperate better when a job attracts a reward. It doesn’t have to be anything big, as long as it is something you would like. 

For instance, you can give yourself a healthy snack after ticking the first three boxes on your to-do list. 

Hey, don’t overdo it. 

15. Avoid criticizing yourself harshly

Rather than beat yourself up for postponing drafting that 3,000-word article, try elevating your spirit with words of affirmation. 

Tell yourself that what’s done is done. Lost time cannot be regained. But if you roll your sleeves and start now, you may still meet the deadline. 

Just do it. Nike always comes in handy. 😀

16. Manage your energy

Make it a point to spend less time on activities that drain your energy and yield unimpressive results. By doing so, you can preserve your strength for those tasks that require more concentration and nail them without breaking a sweat. 

This way, you won’t procrastinate because of tiredness or lack of energy. 

17. Listen to soothing music

For many people, listening to music is inspirational.

To improve your productivity, you can try listening to music with slow beats that inspire you to work but do not excite you to the extent that you abandon the work and only focus on the music. 

We recommend songs with piano and violin instrumentals to get the best out of this strategy.

Focus Bear comes with a Focus Music feature, so you don’t have to waste time looking for the perfect track.

Choosing an Anti-Procrastination Strategy That Suits Your Procrastination Type

Anti-Procrastination Strategies for a Perfectionist

  • Focus on getting the job done well rather than perfectly
  • Stop thinking that it’s all or nothing
  • Set a specific timeframe for yourself to accomplish a task
  • Create a to-do list that helps you organize your daily activities
  • Be realistic about what you can or cannot do

Anti-Procrastination Strategies for a Dreamer

  • Make it clear to yourself that there’s a difference between your dream and your goal
  • Take active steps to bring your ideas to fruition
  • Avoid saying ‘I wish to’ or ‘I’d like to.’ Instead, say ‘I will’ 
  • Choose specific or tentative dates for executing future plans
  • Be more interactive with other people
  • Try detailing your plans for a future event in writing

Anti-Procrastination Strategies for a Worrier

  • Focus on that which you know rather than that which you don’t know
  • Every day, consciously do one thing you’ve been avoiding
  • Make it a point to try out at least one of the things you’re not comfortable doing once a week
  • Constantly remind yourself to focus on what you can do rather than what you can’t
  • Realize that not making a decision is a decision

Anti-Procrastination Strategies for a Defier

  • Take the things you’re told to do as requests rather than demands
  • Make a conscious effort to work together with your team, not against it
  • Act, don’t react
  • Adopt a ‘just do it’ mentality
  • Satisfy yourself by doing a particular thing the way you want it done

Anti-Procrastination Strategies for a Crisis-Maker

  • When faced with responsibility, try to focus more on the positive aspects of it than the negative
  • Avoid waiting till the last second before starting a task
  • Break down a voluminous chore into smaller chunks to avoid feeling overwhelmed
  • Find other sources of motivation other than stress

Anti-Procrastination Strategies for an Overdoer

  • Try to stop depending on the approval of others
  • At appropriate times, say ‘no’ to others and be firm
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for the assistance of others when faced with a lot of work
  • Maximize your time and energy by making daily to-do lists to help you prioritize your work

Step 4: Make Use of Tools That Help You Focus and Stop Procrastinating

Several anti-procrastination tools have been developed to assist you in resisting the urge to procrastinate. 

These tools are very handsy and take away the bulk of the weight on you to make yourself accountable. Think of these tools as powerful sidekicks. The Robins to your Batman.

For example, if you have trouble remembering what tasks are due, a reminder app can refresh your memory and keep you updated with the urgency of your activities.

Here are some tools that we recommend for improving your focus and beating procrastination:


Using a planner is a genius way to organize all the work that you have to do on a single platform and keep track of deadlines or due dates. It helps you to be in control of your day and cuts off any chances of prolonged delay in getting a task done. 

With a planner, you can visualize the pattern you want your daily activities to follow and then use this pattern as a guide to maximize your productivity.  

Productivity Apps

Productivity apps like Slack and Trello are software programs developed to allow users to perform essential tasks efficiently. 

These productivity apps can help you get on top of your day-to-day activities. Once you get accustomed to them, you will have no room left for procrastination.

Focus and Time Management Apps

Create and manage tasks of different natures with focus and time management apps such as Focus Bear

Apps like that remove the stress of manually keeping track of your to-do list by syncing your tasks across all your devices. 

Rather than crumble under the weight of an overwhelming workload, you can save energy to take positive actions with a time management app.

FAQs About Stopping Procrastination

What is the main cause of procrastination?

Several studies like this link the main cause of procrastination to poor study habits, anxiety, depression, and ADHD.

Other factors, including lack of motivation, fear of failure, perfectionism, and poor time management, cause procrastination.

Is procrastination a mental habit?

Yes, procrastination can be a mental habit. Like all other habits, procrastination can be a regular pattern of behavior established through repetition and can negatively affect one's mental and emotional well-being. 

Is procrastination a form of depression?

No, procrastination is not a form of depression. However, it can be a symptom of depression.

Are people who procrastinate happier?

No. A study revealed that 94% of people are unhappy about their procrastination habit. 

There are several routes to happiness. Procrastination is not one of them. 

How do you rewire your brain to stop procrastinating?

You rewire your brain to stop procrastinating by picking out the issues stopping you from getting things done and addressing them directly. 

You can start rewiring your brain, too, by eliminating distractions and prioritizing your goals.

Are procrastinators born or made?

There is no such thing as a ‘born’ procrastinator. People learn to procrastinate for many reasons, including poor self-discipline, perfectionism, fear of failure, and an underlying health condition.

Is procrastination a trauma response?

Procrastination is not considered a direct response to trauma, but experiences of trauma may contribute to the development of procrastination as a habit. 

Trauma can impact a person's ability to regulate emotions and behaviors, making it difficult to focus and complete tasks. 

Can procrastination be cured?

Sort of. Some strategies you can adopt to overcome procrastination include removing distractions and making a daily to-do list to help you organize your tasks. 

However, it may be impossible to stop procrastinating completely. If you find yourself procrastinating again, don’t be too hard on yourself. Forgive yourself and go back to the drawing board. 

Is Procrastination the Same as Being Lazy?

No. It is possible to procrastinate while still maintaining an enviable work ethic. This is particularly the case for people who relish working under pressure.

However, laziness can be a reason for procrastination.

Block Distractions and Overcome Procrastination Now

In overcoming procrastination, you need all the help you can get. The 4 steps and 17 strategies we’ve listed will undoubtedly equip you with the proper armor to combat the urge to prolong and delay tasks. 

But why stop there? You can take your conviction to be productive a step further by working with the features that Focus Bear offers. Block distractions, automate your work breaks, build your to-do list and live without fear of forgetting when you use Focus Bear.

Sign Up Now and Beat Procrastination With Focus Bear.

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Feb 1, 2023
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