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How checking your team’s morale regularly can boost the team focus

Jun 21, 2023

As a team leader, you know that your team's morale can make or break your project's success. Engaged and motivated teams are more focused thus productive, creative, and effective. But how do you reliably measure the mood of your team?

Nowadays, a mood checker app quantifies the emotional state of your team and helps track it over time. You can also collect anonymous, honest feedback from your team.

In this article, we'll discuss how mood tracking works, how to use it to monitor your workplace's mental health, and how it helps to stay focused on the tasks at hand as a team. 

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Table of Contents

The Benefits of Well-being in the Workplace

Amidst the global pandemic, the "Great Resignation" phenomenon is changing the dynamics of the global job market. Companies are increasingly finding it increasingly difficult to attract the top talent they need to grow and recover from the crisis. 

With the rise of telecommuting and digital nomadism, employees have a wider array of choices, making it necessary for employers to compete fiercely for their recruitment. In such a competitive environment, improving team morale becomes crucial for managers to retain their top-performing employees. 

A study conducted by three economists from the University of Warwick in 2014 found that happy employees are 12% more productive, while unhappy employees are 10% less productive. While companies cannot impose happiness on their employees, creating an environment that fosters positive mental states can help boost productivity. The challenge lies in measuring team morale and gathering candid feedback to improve and maintain employee satisfaction.

The need to run regular mood check-ins

With increasing complexity, employees face a myriad of pressures that can lead to dissatisfaction and lower productivity. 

This is where regular mood checks come in handy. 

By leveraging this strategy, teams can improve trust, foster feedback, and create a culture of constructive criticism. Proactively raising issues and addressing them promptly can go a long way in ensuring team cohesion. 

Mood checks also enable teammates to share their feelings more easily, seek help when needed, and develop mutual aid. 

How can the mood improve the team focus?

Keeping your team engaged and motivated not only benefits them, but it also benefits you by allowing you to focus on the task at hand without any distractions. 

By investing in your team's morale, you create a positive work environment, build stronger relationships, and enhance overall job satisfaction. Not only will you see an improvement in your own focus, but you will also see how your team's success is crucial to your own success. Remember, a healthy team means a healthy project.

The TeamMood tool to the rescue

The case of TeamMood is an example of an online program that helps team leaders gauge their team's mood regularly. 

This online Niko-Niko calendar and feedback box enables team members to share their feelings anonymously, making it easier for them to voice their opinions without fear of judgment. 

With a simple daily email asking, "How do you feel today?", TeamMood allows team leaders to track the evolution of their team's mood, encourage feedback and ideas for improvement, and openly discuss any issues with their team. This tool's ability to ensure anonymity and promote transparency within the team makes it a valuable asset in creating a productive workplace.

Jun 21, 2023
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