Focus Bear for iOS
The iOS app is still in beta (but it works pretty well). It's a two-step process to download the app:
First, download Apple Test Flight
and then come back here
to get the redeem code
Download and install
the Focus Bear App
The iOS app is still in beta (but it works pretty well). It's a two-step process to download the app:
First, download Apple Test Flight
and then come back here
to get the redeem code
Download and install
the Focus Bear App
Sweet! Now you can download Focus Bear with this link
There’s a sucker born every minute
P T Barnum (perhaps?)
I often feel like he’s talking about me there. One of my personality traits that is a hallmark of ADHD is that I get very enthusiastic about new ideas. I see an ad for a product that I am sure is going to transform my life and put my credit card in then and there. I’m the first to volunteer for new commitments. Sometimes this spontaneous approach to life can lead to fun and interesting adventures. Often it just leads to me paying the ADHD tax in its various forms.
My understanding of the ADHD tax is that it is the cost of instant gratification and insufficient follow through. Here are some ways it shows up in my life:
In some cases, the tax is self administered. In other cases, it feels like certain parts of the world are trying to exploit my cognitive weaknesses. Companies that require a credit card upfront and then automatically charge are probably on the exploity end of the spectrum.
Normally taxes have some good to them. We all want better schools and hospitals. I’m not condoning evading government imposed taxes. But for the ADHD tax, I wholeheartedly endorse efforts to find every possible loophole.
Here are some of my ideas:
I don’t want to give the impression that any organisation that requires a credit card upfront is evil. There are legitimate reasons for asking for a CC upfront. Perhaps your service is being attacked by a botnet army and paywalling it is the only way to avoid a massive server bill.
However, it doesn’t mean that you can stealthily charge someone 30 days later and hope they don’t notice. You’d better warn them that they’re going to be charged and make it easy for them to cancel. If they forget, make it easy for them to get a refund.
Being sneaky about it is an excellent way to ruin your reputation and end up with a massive churn problem on your hands.