Focus Bear for iOS
The iOS app is still in beta (but it works pretty well). It's a two-step process to download the app:
First, download Apple Test Flight
and then come back here
to get the redeem code
Download and install
the Focus Bear App
The iOS app is still in beta (but it works pretty well). It's a two-step process to download the app:
First, download Apple Test Flight
and then come back here
to get the redeem code
Download and install
the Focus Bear App
Sweet! Now you can download Focus Bear with this link
(Click here if you missed Part 1)
When creating a daily routine schedule, it is critical to consider certain variables that can protect you from mental burnout, schedule tiredness, and anxiety, and to ensure that maintaining the routine does not become its own separate task, rather than making daily life easier. Focus Bear suggests certain steps you can follow in order to avoid falling into the aforementioned traps. Read about them below and also find them implemented in our app in their full form.
Instead of organizing a habit to take place at 8.30 a.m. specifically, you can be more flexible and choose the task to occur anywhere between 8.30 a.m. and 9.30 a.m. Allowing yourself a bit of flexibility can take away stress, while still sticking to the schedule.
Despite the fact that some people prefer having more detailed tasks, making the task fall under a more general category can be more productive. A time frame for exercise (general category), for instance, leaves more room in a plan than a time frame for performing sit-ups (specific task). This means that you can select from a wider variety of activities (running, weightlifting, rope, walking,) and not feel trapped under one specific task.
Tasks you consider important (studying/ working out/ paying bills/ cleaning) are examples of habits that you could categorize as Necessary. Conversely, optional habits could be those that you do not prioritize but would still like to participate in (i.e hobbies).
It is critical, especially in the case of ADHD, to remind ourselves that humans cannot be productive all the time and that we should not be too hard on ourselves.
To protect yourself from physical and mental burnout and anxiety, you could limit the obligations/habits you choose for the day to a number that you find comfortable.
In response to the above remark, the Focus Bear team strongly recommends (and also makes use of!) the “Schedule time in to do absolutely nothing” practice. We suggest you include this feature in your daily routine list. This is what we call the “Guilt-free time,” and it is the time when a person can do whatever they want without feeling “useless.”
This blog post was first published in Medium